

Diverticulosis Pic Labels

What is diverticulitis?

A diverticulum is an outpouching of the colon wall. When you have multiple diverticula we call this diverticulosis. Diverticulitis occurs when these outpouchings or pockets get inflamed or infected.

Is Diverticulitis common?

Diverticulosis is very common in the US, with more than half of people over the age of 60 having diverticula in their colon. However, most people with diverticulosis never have symptoms of diverticulitis.

What causes diverticulosis and can it go away?

We do not fully know what causes diverticulosis to form, but one leading theory is a low-fiber diet. However, many people who exercise and eat a high-fiber diet still get diverticulosis. Once you have diverticula they will not go away without surgery.

What are the symptoms of diverticulitis?

A diverticulitis attack typically causes abdominal pain, fever, and changes to your bowel movements.

What problems can diverticulitis cause?

The majority of attacks of diverticulitis can be treated with dietary changes and/or antibiotics. However, some attacks can cause a perforation, or hole, in your colon that would require hospitalization and sometimes emergency surgery. With longstanding inflammation, there can be a narrowing of your colon that causes bowel blockages and fistulas, which are connections between the colon and other parts of the body. Diverticula can also cause bleeding because the wall of the colon becomes weak. Frequent attacks, even if not severe, can significantly affect one’s quality of life.

What should I do if I think I have diverticulitis?

If you think you are having a diverticulitis attack, you should talk with your doctor right away or call our office. We can help you figure out if you have diverticulitis, and if you need imaging like a CT scan or, in more severe cases, need to go to the emergency department. If you cannot get help quickly, then you should go to the emergency department. If you have had multiple attacks or they are affecting your quality of life, feel free to contact us.

Denver Mountains

Do I need a special diet if I have a diverticulitis attack?

It can be helpful to stay on a low-fiber diet for the first 7 days after an attack. Once you have recovered, you should go back to a high-fiber diet. We used to think that foods such as popcorn, nuts,  and seeds caused attacks; however, this is not true. You do not need to avoid these foods unless you find that a particular food bothers you.

Do I need surgery if I had a diverticulitis attack?

Not everyone who has diverticulitis needs surgery. However, if you have had a perforation, severe infection, or other complications related to diverticulitis, surgery can help you. If your mild attacks are increasing in frequency or severity, you should talk to your doctor or make an appointment with our office to decide if surgery should be considered.

Will I need an ostomy (also called a “poop bag”) if I have surgery?

For elective, or planned, surgery, it is not common to need an ostomy. However, if you need an emergency surgery, then the likelihood of needing an ostomy is much higher. That is why it is important to talk to your doctor or our office if you have persistent attacks of diverticulitis.